- Aquaponics Resources – National Agricultural Library
- Integrated Agriculture – Aquaculture: A Primer – FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, Issue 407, 2001
- Aquaponics – integration of hydroponics with aquaculture – National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service, 2006
- Aquaponics – Video from Purdue University, 2011
Food Safety Resources
- Keeping Aquaponics Products Safe. Aquaponics and food safety (pdf).
- UMN AP Food Safety Assessment. This food safety checklist can help you assess food safety risks at the aquaponics facility. This will download as a Word (.docx) file. You can use it as a template and modify to fit your operation. Email [email protected] if you have any comments or questions about this checklist.
- On Farm Food Safety Guidelines for Aquaponics (YouTube video). Food Safety expert Jim Hollyer takes viewers on a tour of Mari’s Gardens to demonstrate on-farm food safety, and shares hands-on solutions to affordably implement Best Aquaculture/Agriculture Practices on your farm.
- Footbaths. A footbath is a very simple form of biosecurity that helps prevent the potential spread of disease. Organisms have the potential to survive for several days or weeks in the dirt stuck to the bottom of your shoes. From the University of Maryland. View signage on how to correctly use the footbath. (.pdf)